Ten more things to do with the hundreds chart - A pre -primary and Primary revisit

Below are some images we parents (at least some of us) might be able to recall humorously as those belonging to our school days, BUT I am sure none of us want them to be associated with our kids!
Jokes apart , Mathematics is definitely an important part of our lives and does deserve all the attention it gets.
Mathematics is often regarded as the science of patterns.Children who are comfortable looking for patterns and then using those patterns to solve problems can also develop an understanding of new concepts in the same way.
From the earliest age, children should be encouraged to investigate the patterns that they find in numbers, shapes and expressions. By doing so, they tend to make lots of mathematical discoveries.
This post is an attempt to illustrate the beauty of patterns found in a simple Mathematics manipulative - The Hundreds table (being used since years, at some pre-primary and all of primary level). A beauty, though observed by many but pointed out to, emphasized and used for kids by only a few. A hundreds chart can be a
wonderful tool for practicing a variety of maths skills. Generally, for early primary grades it is used to help learn the following skills:
- Counting from 1-100
- Identifying numbers
- Developing number sense skills
- Skip counting
- Addition and 'counting on'
- Subtraction and 'counting back'
Here we have some activities, other than the most common ones associated with a Hundreds chart.They will sharpen and hone your kid's number skills while bringing out the visual beauty aspect of mathematics and lay a strong foundation of understanding numbers at a fundamental level!
- Call out a number and have your child cover it with a counter . This, is especially good for a child who has trouble telling the difference between the teens and higher numbers.
2. Practice skip counting by 2's, 5's and 10's .Mark the places by counters and focus on the pattern formed. For instance, gradually the child should be able to say 10 more (or less) than a number without calculating or counting on just by the realising that one can count down (or up) columns by tens. Similarly one can count across rows by ones.

- The number 53 is covered by a piece like the one below . What other numbers might be covered?

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